Sunday, 6 May 2012

Water levels recede on lower River Kennet

After last week's rainfall significantly increased water levels on the lower Kennet, the river showed a marked reduction today.
The gauge at Padworth Road bridge demonstrated a c.80cm fall in the water level in less than a week, and is likely to further decline unless we receive renewed rainfall in the coming weeks and months.

In the same time frame the weir at Barbel Bar went from almost washed out...

...back to a normal seasonal wave, but this is not going to be maintained without a further extended period of wet weather.

Elsewhere on the lower River Kennet today, road access was restricted at a number of locations by adjacent bank holiday rail works.

Given the location of this sign next to Thatcham railway station today, it can only be assumed that contractors were expecting an influx of Welsh paddlers, no doubt attracted by the Kennet's higher than normal flows last week.