The annual Waterside series of races is under threat as record breaking high water levels and flow rates continue to dominate conditions on the River Kennet and the Kennet and Avon Canal.
The first race, Newbury Canoe Club's (NCC) Waterside A, which was scheduled to have run last Sunday (23.02.14) was cancelled following advice from the Canal and River Trust, with Reading Canoe Club's Thameside 1, due to have been held this coming weekend (02.03.14), now also cancelled.
The first race, Newbury Canoe Club's (NCC) Waterside A, which was scheduled to have run last Sunday (23.02.14) was cancelled following advice from the Canal and River Trust, with Reading Canoe Club's Thameside 1, due to have been held this coming weekend (02.03.14), now also cancelled.
NCC's Waterside B is due to be held on Sunday 9 March 2014, but it "will be cancelled unless conditions improve", according to the race series website. The NCC website is also advising that "only experienced crews to train on most of the K&A Canal at this time and
especially avoid Kintbury through to Reading."